Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base

3 08, 2019

How to setup a proxy for a CopperEgg server collector

By |2019-08-03T06:54:16+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How to setup a proxy for a CopperEgg server collector

Linux Servers: To setup a proxy for a linux server, simply append the following to your install curl command: | RC_PROXY=proxybox:8080 sh   Windows Servers: To setup a windows server, append this parameter when running the MSI at the command prompt: ProxyHost="hostname" ProxyPort=8080 For example: RevealCloudSetup.msi /qbr APIKEY="apikey" TAGS="sql.web,prod" LABEL="my server" PROXYHOST="hostname" PROXYPORT=8080 To set this up after install, simply edit this xml file      c:\Program Files\CopperEgg\RevealCloud\revealWindows.exe.config      or c:\Program Files (x86)\CopperEgg\RevealCloud\revealWindows.exe.config on a 64 bit system Then edit with the appropriate host and port near the bottom of the xml doc <add key="proxyHost" value=""/> <add key="proxyPort" value="0"/> Be sure to [...]

3 08, 2019

No Network graphs in Details

By |2019-08-03T06:52:32+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on No Network graphs in Details

We have seen this issue a few times; always in association with dedicated servers located in hosted data centers. DreamHost is one example that we've seen multiple times. The issue in these cases has been tracked down to the host provider deploying linux with 'grsec' enabled in the kernel. Is a grsec-enabled linux kernel the root cause of MY problem? Select an affected server on your RevealCloud Dashboard, then click on Details. In the System Details panel at the top of the page, notice the OS and OS Release fields. If the OS is Linux, and the OS Release string contains 'grsec', (for example, ''), then the heightened security provided [...]

3 08, 2019

How do I delete my account

By |2019-08-03T06:47:25+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How do I delete my account

There is no user based method to delete an account. If you really want your account deleted, just contact Keep in mind that you can change your email, password and add users at any time. Just go to the Setting tab:

3 08, 2019

What security is used to access my account?

By |2019-08-03T06:45:57+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on What security is used to access my account?

The CopperEgg UI is accessed via a browser. You as the user have control over your user id / password and your private API key. The communications between the browser and the CopperEgg application are secured over SSL.

3 08, 2019

What does Top View show me and what is it use for

By |2019-08-06T14:43:02+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on What does Top View show me and what is it use for

Top View which is available in the left nav for both Reveal Cloud and Reveal coppereggs hows a listing of all of your systems. It's default sort is on health, with the most unhealthy systems listed at the top. You can click any column header to sort. Many larger customers, with more than 100 systems will filter the list to only look for "unhealthy" or "critical" systems.

3 08, 2019

How do I create a correlated view between my server and a website or service running on it?

By |2019-08-06T14:43:21+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How do I create a correlated view between my server and a website or service running on it?

Its easy to create a correlated view, where you can see both your server details overlaid with your website(s) or your website details, overlaid with your server(s). Just tag the servers and websites that you want to correlate the same. Use simple tags such as web or api. You can then see this in the Details views (bottom right button on the widgets) in the Systems or Probe tab. Remember, you can monitor websites, web services or TCP ports with Revealcopperegg website monitoring (Probes tab)

3 08, 2019

How do I setup a new user and what is the experience for the person I am setting up?

By |2019-08-03T06:40:11+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How do I setup a new user and what is the experience for the person I am setting up?

You can easily invite people as users in your CopperEgg account. CopperEgg is designed to be a used by teams. You can setup as many users as you need to help you monitor as your servers and web applications. Simply create a new user. Settings > Users > Create New User Then just add their details. Select admin if you would like the person to have administrative rights, or read-only for limited users. You can even restrict a read-only user to see only systems with a certain tag. Once you create the user, the CopperEgg application will send an email [...]

3 08, 2019

Can I change my user name or email in CopperEgg?

By |2019-08-03T06:38:31+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on Can I change my user name or email in CopperEgg?

Yes, you can change your personal details at any time. Simply go to Settings > Personal Settings Keep in mind, that if you change your emaill and if you setup the account originally, your new email will be the default for any new alerts created. Existing alerts will retain their current settings.